
By @rape_vn

Evil (with whimsy)

Free from the futile strivings and the cares which dim existence to a realm of mist, happy is he who wings an upward way on mighty pinions to the fields of light; , whose thoughts like larks spontaneously rise into the morning sky; whose flight, unchecked, outreaches life and readily comprehends the language of flowers and of all mute things.

larp is life

did u know that paralized people cant >cum ?


"On the first day, I gave a whimsy.
On the second day, I did not give a joy.
On the third day, I gave a soy.
On the fourth day, I did not give a whimsy.
On the fifth day, I gave a joy.
On the sixth day, I did not give a soy.
On the seventh day, I gave a whimsy.
On the eighth day, I did not give a joy.
On the ninth day, I gave a soy."




Since man cannot live without miracles,
He will provide himself with miracles of his own making.
He will believe in witchcraft and sorcery,
even though he may otherwise be a heretic,
an atheist, and a rebel.


Stay tuned
The Day of Reckoning
Will come
The records
Will be straight


KaliYuga But with Joy
KaliYuga But its whimsical
Kaliyuga But its epic
KaliYuga But its just rabbits
KalliYuga But its just larp
Kaliyuga But


Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more
playfully quaint or fanciful behaviour or humour.
"the film is an awkward blend of whimsy and moralizing"
a whim.
"a clean slate on which to enter information in the form that suits your whimsy"

God (God)

Worst Timeline:

"we're sorry to inform you- lockheed martin stock dipped in value"


I have plans I cannot share right now
bcz the haters will sabotage me
I have plans I *CANNOT* share rn
bcz the antichrist will eated me

ice dweller


its bleak

"I prize the memory of naked ages when
Apollo relished gilding marble limbs
whose agile-fleshed-originals achieved
their ecstasy with neither fraud nor fear
and, nursed by that companionable sky,
enjoyed the health of a sublime machine.
Cybele then, abundant in her yield,
did not regard her sons as burdensome,
but, tender-hearted she-wolf, graciously
suckled the universe at her brown dugs."
